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  • Joe Nelson

New Year, Same Agency, New Focus


January 11, 2024

Happy New Year to all our policyholders, partners, friends, and readers! As we step into another year, it's a time of reflection and renewal, both personally and for Nelson Insurance Agency. I wanted to take a moment to update you on my journey and reintroduce our blog in its revitalized form.

My Road to Recovery

Many of you followed my story through 'The Road to Recovery' blog post. I'm pleased to report that, thanks to a robust treatment plan including medication, physical therapy, and cognitive behavior therapy, I'm now about 80% back to my pre-accident self, both physically and mentally. It's been a challenging journey, but one that's filled with lessons and growth.


The Blog: A Fresh Perspective

Now, let's talk about our blog. This platform has always been more than just a space for updates; it's a community where we share, learn, and grow together. As we move forward, our blog will be a beacon of information and guidance, especially regarding insurance topics relevant to the Gulf Coast.

Topics will range from recent news, recent legislation, unpacking industry reports, and topics relevant to our insureds like ways to save on insurance or common discounts or surcharges.

Our Approach: Clarity and Context Without Sugar Coating

Insurance can be a complex and often misunderstood field. Our goal is to demystify these complexities. We believe in providing clear, straightforward explanations. While we won't sugarcoat the information - sometimes the reality of insurance can be a bit bitter - we promise that you'll come away with a clear understanding of how and why certain aspects of insurance work the way they do.

Focus on What Matters to You

Our content will be driven by your questions, concerns, and the topics you find most relevant. Whether it's understanding policy nuances, navigating claims, or simply getting to grips with insurance lingo, we're here to help. Our characteristic voice – friendly, knowledgeable, and honest – will continue to guide each post.

Engagement and Interaction

We're not just talking at you; we're talking with you. Engagement is key, and we encourage you to reach out with your questions and topics. Your input is invaluable in making our blog a rich resource for all things insurance.


As we embark on this new year with a renewed focus, I'm more committed than ever to making our blog a helpful, informative, and trustworthy space for our readers. Your support and engagement have been a beacon of light in my recovery journey, and I'm excited to continue this journey together.

Thank you for being part of our community. Here's to a year of learning, growth, and understanding in the world of insurance!

If you want to suggest a topic, please email us at

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